Title of Your Post: Five Things To Know About Al Gore.


“I think the cost of energy will come down when we make this transition to renewable energy.”

This is one of the famous quotes by Al Gore. For those who do not know who he is, Al Gore is a member of the board of directors of Apple and a senior adviser to Google. He is a Visiting Professor at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and chairs the Alliance for Climate Protection, a non-profit organization designed to help solve the climate crisis.  

If you would like to learn more about him, here are five interesting facts about this amazing person!

  • Political Background

Al Gore, in full Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., (born March 31, 1948, Washington, D.C., U.S.), 45th vice president of the United States (1993–2001) in the Democratic administration of President Bill Clinton. He graduated from Harvard University in 1969 and enlisted in the army, serving in the Vietnam War as a military reporter from 1969 through 1971. He then became a reporter for The Tennessean, a newspaper based in Nashville, Tennessee. While working for that paper, he also studied philosophy and law at Vanderbilt University. He won election to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1976 and was reelected three times before winning a seat in the Senate in 1984. In 1988 he was an unsuccessful candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination. was reelected to the Senate in 1990, and in 1991 he was one of only 10 Democratic senators who voted to authorize the use of American military force against Iraq in the Persian Gulf War. 

In 1992 he was chosen by Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, to be his running mate, and Gore became vice president when Clinton defeated Republican incumbent George Bush in the 1992 presidential election. In 1993 Gore helped the Clinton administration secure congressional passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement. Gore and Clinton were reelected in 1996 to a second term, defeating the Republicans led by Bob Dole.

  • Presidential campaign (2000)

Gore, as Bill Clinton’s vice president for eight years, was the clear favourite in the primary to win the 2000 Democratic nomination. He captured it easily, seeing off a challenge from Bill Bradley, a former U.S. senator from New Jersey. He ran against George Bush, candidate for the Republican Party.

On election night, no clear winner emerged. Print and broadcast media often cited contradictory exit-polling numbers, and the races in Oregon and New Mexico would remain too close to call for some days. Ultimately, the contest focused on Florida. Networks initially projected Gore the winner in Florida, but later they declared that Bush had opened an insurmountable lead. Gore called Bush to concede the election, but in the early hours of the following morning it became apparent that the Florida race was much closer than Gore’s staff had originally believed. Fewer than 600 votes separated the candidates, and that margin appeared to be narrowing. 

The presidential election of 2000 stands at best as a paradox, at worst as a scandal, of American democracy. Democrat Albert Gore won the most votes, a half million more than his Republican opponent George W. Bush, but lost the presidency in the electoral college by a count of 271-267. Even this count was suspect, dependent on the tally in Florida, where many minority voters were denied the vote, ballots were confusing, and recounts were mishandled and manipulated. The final decision was made not by 105 million voters, but by a 5-4 majority of the unelected U.S. Supreme Court, issuing a tainted and partisan verdict.

That decision ended the presidential contest, and George W. Bush now heads the conservative restoration to power, triggering the loss of Al Gore.

  • Winning nobel price(2007)

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2007 “in two equal parts” to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Al Gore “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change.”

He was awarded for his achievement in communicating the global warming problem and its implications to a wide audience in a way that catalyzes a higher level of public interest and concern. In this, Gore draws on the scientific underpinning provided by the IPCC assessments, but communicates effectively to the public beyond the expert scientific and policy communities, which the IPCC has not really done. 

  • The foundation of climate reality

Founded by former Vice President Gore in 2005, The Climate Reality Project (formerly the Alliance for Climate Protection) is a non-profit organization devoted to solving the climate crisis. Through grassroots leadership trainings, global media events, digital communications and issue campaigns, Climate Reality works to spread the truth and raise awareness about the climate crisis. Today, Vice President Gore serves as chairman and works with the organization to promote awareness of the ongoing dangers posed by global warming pollution and solutions to climate change.

  • The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change.

In The Future, Gore identifies the emerging forces that are reshaping our world: 

1- Ever-increasing economic globalization has led to the emergence of what he labels "Earth Inc."—an integrated holistic entity with a new and different relationship to capital, labor, consumer markets, and national governments than in the past. 

2- The worldwide digital communications, Internet, and computer revolutions have led to the emergence of "the Global Mind," which links the thoughts and feelings of billions of people and connects intelligent machines, robots, ubiquitous sensors, and databases.

3- The balance of global political, economic, and military power is shifting more profoundly than at any time in the last five hundred years—from a U.S.-centered system to one with multiple emerging centers of power, from nation-states to private actors, and from political systems to markets.

4- A deeply flawed economic compass is leading us to unsustainable growth in consumption, pollution flows, and depletion of the planet's strategic resources of topsoil, freshwater, and living species.

5- Genomic, biotechnology, neuroscience, and life sciences revolutions are radically transforming the fields of medicine, agriculture, and molecular science—and are putting control of evolution in human hands.

6-There has been a radical
disruption of the relationship between human beings and the earth's ecosystems, along with the beginning of a revolutionary transformation of energy systems, agriculture, transportation, and construction worldwide.


  1. Hi Ghislaine, I can see you're very passionate about Al Gore! He is truly one of the few low-key politicians who take action to solve climate crisis - as early as 20 years ago! And thanks for sharing his predictions for global change. It's amazingly accurate, isn't it? He is a true visionary!


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