The Story Of My Life.


My name is Ghislaine and I am from Morocco. I moved to the US two years ago. It was a whole new game in my life because I left all my family and friends in my country, and I had to start a new social life from scratch. In this post, I would like to share five important events that occurred in my life through music. Those events are my childhood days, my first iPod, my first day in the university, coming to the US, and finally being locked down this year.

Song 1:

When I was a child, I used to spend a lot of time with my sister. We used to play with our dolls and toys. As a birthday gift, my father bought me my first PlayStation. I was super excited to discover the bunch of games he bought me too. My favorite game was Final Fantasy 8 and whenever I listen to its soundtrack it makes me remember some special days, my childhood days. It reminds me of the days that I had to learn how to share my own things with my sister, as we used to fight a lot over it. My mom used to always intervene and she would either make us have the toy for a limited time or confiscate it for both of us.

Song 2:

When I was 10, I got my first iPod as a gift from my aunt. I was the happiest person in the world because I really liked listening to music. I used to do it on my laptop or radio, which means I could listen to music only when I was at home. But with that iPod, I could listen to it out too! Once I got I started reading the instructions that came with it and went to upload music from my laptop, guess what? my laptop didn’t work that night. I forgot the reason why but I had to wait for someone to come and repair it and it really took too much time. I started listening to the music that was already on the iPod, the one that came with it. It was not really my type but I was listening to it because I had no other choice. That song really reminds me of those days. Remembering them makes me happy and sad at the same time, just like this song.

Song 3:

This song represents my days at the university when I used to listen to it a lot. It is a song that talks about making crazy efforts that can even trigger our endurance to get what we want. When I was at university, I had to study so hard to get the major I wanted. Some majors can’t be chosen if the student has a bad grade. I am happy that in the end, I got the major I wanted but it still reminds me of what I went through.

Song 4:

This part of my life was really hard because I was leaving all my family and friends to move to a new country. But not seeing my mom was the worst. I have a very strong relationship with her. She is someone that I can’t live without and this song really represents what she means to me. And I understood more what she meant to me after I came here.

Song 5:

When I was bored during being sheltered in place, I was trying to be so positive. And one thing that I was doing is Bellydance. I practiced Bellydance in my country for more than two years. It brings too much positivity and happiness. And this song was my favorite for it during the quarantine.

Those are the songs that marked my life until now, and I am pretty sure there will be other coming songs. Thank you for reading my article, I would appreciate it if you leave me a comment below. xoxo!
